Your friendly Tea Drinker

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 07, 2023


I’ve checked the list on mine, those are some really really old passwords… Must’ve been a long time ago.

Fire fox is living up to it’s name as they are on fire. Everytime I see a tech update from any of the major players it’s always bad, except Firefox. Keep being real. I luv u

They may be the equivalent of arguing with a dude that drinks pee for fun. If he cannot understand the intracusy of what it means to truly lose privacy by looking at other controlling countries, he’s already lost.

Hmm surely vpn companies would have to start logging heavily now. It should be possible to have a backdoor by design. All I can trust is tor I think

Good to know, although I’m unsure how a custom boot would handle the folding display

That’s quite a list, thank you. I’ll try to implement them 👌

Thank you very much. You’re right there 👍

How to secure a Samsung device?
I have just received a Samsung galaxy fold5 through the post, however I imagine it's full of bloatware and I'm inexperienced with this type of device. What is the first things that you would do to secure it? Thank you 😊 Edit: I mean to be more privacy focused