• 3 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 30, 2023


Doesn’t using a particular wordlist limits choice, gives attackers a wordlist to generate the password from

I already know OP is talking about carrier unlock and I have also mentioned in my comments above. PIN unlock was just an example.

If nobody would do it. Why would company offer it? If it was indeed an anti-theft company should have informed the original owner(in their record) and should have denied any unlocking. If it was real anti-theft why would they provide app to unlock carrier.

Let me give you an example of actual anti-theft feature. Apple will not unlock iPhone, no matter how much money u try to pay. That’s an anti-theft feature. T-MOBILE has history of excess charging customers. This is plain & simple business tactics to earn more money. As OP @Charger8232@lemmy.ml told T-Mobile’s official app is dysfunctional. That app is dysfunctional, so people can’t unlock themselves.

This is not an anti-theft process. This is just way for companies to make more 💰. T-Mobile is allowing him to unlock 🔓 after he pays them some cash. It like company is happy to let anyone steal , as long as they are paid.

You know actually this is great way for Microsoft for surveillance. Not all apps and there data was accessible to Microsoft, like some data were encrypted etc. No that they are taking screenshot they can directly run those screenshots through ML Models. ML Models Maybe on device but the output/metadata they produce might be sent to Microsoft. For example Microsoft might run Image-to-Text on device but all the text from output could be sent to Microsoft. Your data will remain on device but Microsoft will still know

I am going to repeat what I have said for another similar post.

I still stand for Signal App.

  • Telegram has no default E2EE, Telegram is run by for profit company
  • Multiple flaws were found in Telegram’s encryption algorithm
  • Almost all cleartext messages are stored on telegram server, but signal stores encrypted message temporarily
  • Signal is non-profit & all their source code + finances are public. Even their server codes are publically available

I still stand with Signal App.

  • Telegram has no default E2EE.
  • Threema’s encryption was compromised .
  • Threema & Telegram both are for profit companies.
  • Signal is non-profit & all their source code + finances are public. Even their server codes are publically available

cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/15187027 > cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/15187023

In simple terms you can’t trace back the server useless the webadmin did some stupidity or vulnerability

You don’t hijack a .onion site. You pwn the server which hosts .onion site. Give you full access to site. You hijack .onion because its very secure

Google Helping DMCA frauds & censors
cross-posted from: https://lemmy.world/post/12094120 > There’s an enormous and largely invisible campaign to use fraudulent notices under the US Digital Millennium Copyright Act to remove critical articles from the internet. We don’t know who is running the campaign, but we do know it’s facilitated by Google’s amazingly trustworthy approach to DMCA complaints made by companies that don’t exist.