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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 11, 2023


Garbage results compared to google results? Lol. You sure you’re using SwissCows? Lol. DDG was my default before switching to SwissCows and I find SwissCows much better, personally.

Please do! Again, the results I’ve gotten (personally) have been far superior to Google or any other reasonable alternative.

I believe you are correct. However, only on desktop. The Medium article specifically states they do not use ads on mobile so I believe ads are only on desktop. I typically use on mobile and have not seen any ads, nor on my non-mobile Firefox config when using SwissCows. Again, the ads are based on anonymous search results and in terms of relevant search results, at least in my testing, SwissCows far surpassed competitors.

This is not true. A 2-min look shows they are a Swiss-based, private search engine that does not serve ads (on mobile only apparently) and has its own web index, but also uses Bing’s web index.

Apparently, they do serve adds on desktop but they’re based on anonymous search results and I presume having UBlock installed would resolve this.

Medium has a whole write-up here: https://medium.com/secure-words/try-swisscows-privacy-search-for-mobile-what-are-you-waiting-for-e616dd828328

I had switched to DDG search and, like you, was getting more and more frustrated with their results. I then switched to SwissCows (https://swisscows.com/) and have never considered another search engine since. The results I want are always top 5. Every time. I sopped testing alternatives long ago and am extremely content using SwissCows! I would recommend checking it out!