• 1 Post
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 01, 2023


Thanks! I will look into my VPN client and see if it provides this feature.

None of my banking apps work with VPN even with a spoofed Indian IP. UPI works without issue for me as well.

How do you access banking apps/websites with always-on VPN and permanent kill switch?

I was using librewolf prior to arkenfox but found it tedious. The updates are always lagging behind the official releases which makes it inherently less secure. You also need to manually check for updates and reinstall the browser every time.

I have kept the ResistFingerprinting enabled for now. It doesn’t impact 90% of my browsing experience.

Do you need to regularly check for updates on the GitHub for the user.js or should I not bother once I have configured it to my liking?

I appreciate the info. Thanks!

How effective is it for online privacy? I have been using it for some time and it tends to break some sites like banking websites and twitch. I haven't messed around a lot with the config except allowing DRM and setting up a start page. I am wondering if using arkenfox/user.js is making my browsing fingerprint unique and whether there are better alternatives for privacy focused browsers.