• 1 Post
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 07, 2023


Unciv seems to work (at least load and start). It looks like Shattered Pixel Dungeon doesn’t have arm support for Linux.

Yup, I have that installed. It works pretty well. Same with Soduku and Paint Fill. Those are all fine, but I’d like some games that are more entertaining than puzzle games.

I’ve been using Linux daily for >25 years, but haven’t been in the gaming scene for a long time (since the Loki days!)

Favorite Linux Open Source Games for Phone Form Factor?
I have a pinephone currently running postmarketos. I mostly use it for music, browsing, and as my rss feed reader, however, I'd like to do some light gaming on it, where light means fun games like tux racer. I'm only looking at open source games that work well on a phone form factor with touch input. Any suggestions are welcome!