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Joined 4M ago
Cake day: Mar 08, 2024


It’s more like, other animals don’t have breasts at all when they aren’t lactating. No specific sources to suggest it’s sexual selection, I heard it somewhere. I like watching videos about archaeology but it’s not my field. Breasts don’t really fossilize, so don’t think we’ll ever know for sure. Idk about nipple size, but yeah too small isn’t great.

To clarify, I’m not saying specifically large breasts were selected for but that the fact humans have breasts at all suggests it’s at least a secondary sex charactaristic (like beards) and I don’t think it benefits fitness in other ways

edit: Probably saying “big tiddies” was not the right way to put that

It’s true that it’s not proven. What is true is that human breasts are weird and no one is sure why. The theory I most support is sexual selection because it looks like it’d be good for feeding babies

Many cultures even today don’t “fetishize” breasts

I didn’t say fetishize. Sexual selection just means it ihas informed decisions to mate

surely due to the production of milk that is supportive of the best growth for babies

You’d think this but apparently it’s not true. This is why I think it’s a sexual selection thing. Some stone age dude probably thought the same thing

if your idea of “sexual selection” was correct, wouldn’t every woman have massive tits

Humans are the only animal that have big tiddies when they aren’t nursing.

If the social conditions have existed for long enough to have an evolutionary effect, what’s the difference?

And as another commenter mentioned you don’t need to fetishize breasts to be attracted to them.

Women have breasts because some prehistoric dudes decided they were good. It’s literally biological. No other animal (or not many) has massive tiddies like humans. They’re definitely the result of sexual selection.

Didn’t notice that one. I’m using the first simple keyboard, from rkkr. Think the simple mobile one must be a later addition

Simple Keyboard on fdroid. Others have more features, but I can’t switch. The swipe delete and swipe to move cursor are so smooth and I can’t make any other keyboards work as well for me. I wanted florisboard to work, but it just felt clunky

Incognito/private are a bad name. You should pretty much use this to not save history, or to log into a site without using saves credentials and assume it’s otherwise exactly the same as a normal browser session

But there is evidence that he defends it, and that he refused to back down after being called out. He is not a good person to look up to, and willfully makes harmful public statements, and willfully stabds by them. In other words, kinda a POS

Yet he still qualifies that statement:

Children: Humans up to age 12 or 13 are children. After that, they become adolescents or teenagers

link to his current site. scroll down to children

Yet he still qualifies that statement:

Children: Humans up to age 12 or 13 are children. After that, they become adolescents or teenagers

link to his current site. scroll down to children

I do too, but I think being that tone deaf after being called out says a lot, and I think it’s pretty good reason to not make blanket endorsements for his statements/beliefs

I think this is an extremely generous take. For anyone not in the loop, he gets called POS for famously weighing in on discussions of pedophelia by saying children 13+ aren’t children so it’s not pedophelia.

I think this goes beyond being bad at knowing when to correct semantics

I end up using gimp because I always have it installed and raster is easier than relying on the PDF forms to be set up properly.