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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 01, 2023


Objective c, mostly. 😐

But also the fact that other operating systems run better on their hardware. Linux on apple silicon outperforms macos on that same hardware. A tiny team is porting software to your platform almost completely in the dark.

I’ve had the exact opposite experience. Only once has the second button down from the right not worked. But in that instance it was the bottom right button.

I don’t know that I’d really add more. It all depends on who and what you’re protecting against. The only thing that’s secure is something that doesn’t exist.

National level hackers have access to resources you might not be able to think of. And if they really want in, rubber hose cryptography is super effective. But most “hackers” on the Internet? And encrypted zip is often enough to deter them. Not impossible, but you might not be worth the time and effort.

In summary, there is better. Much better than an encrypted zip file. But only you can judge if you’re a juicy enough target to pursue more esoteric protection.