/ˈbɑːltəkʊteɪ/. Knows some chemistry and piping stuff. TeXmacs user.

Website: reboil.com

Mastodon: baltakatei@twit.social

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 12, 2023


FreedomBox facilities installation of a end-to-end encryption chat server Matrix which is compatible with Element.

FreedomBox is Debian FOSS that also supports Let’s Encrypt for HTTPS encryption. The goal of FreedomBox is to permit setup via only the webUI which it mostly gets right.

Chatting via Element this way is nice since you’re self-hosting the service and not relying upon a centralized server that could required a backdoor. I highly recommend it.

after the BIOS logo one has to input the decryption password blindly

That would be a nice feature if we could choose that behavior.