With anti-libre software, we are not users, we are used.
AdguardHome - Adblocker for all your devices
Jellyfin - For watching the content you download
Qbittorrent - Torrent downloader
Jackett - Torrent indexers provider
Flaresolverr - For auto solving captcha in some of the indexers
Sonarr - *arr service for automatically downloading TV shows
Radarr - *arr service for movies
Readarr - *arr service for (audio)books
lidarr - *arr service for music
Bazarr - Automatically downloads subtitles for Sonarr and Radarr
Ombi/Overseer - For requesting movies and tv shows through Sonarr and Radarr
Heimdall - Dashboard for all the services so you don’t need to remember all the ports
lmao, try stop me