• The real problem with humanity is the following: We have Paleolithic emotions, medieval institutions, and godlike technology.

  • Falling feels like flying, for a little while

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 23, 2023


Reminder that Facebook hates you and pays people to develop ways to manipulate and control your behavior. Request to download your account data, delete your account, and go outside. It’s less scary than you’re making it and you’ll feel better in the end.

I would think if someone’s up to some actual shady shit that they don’t want to draw the attention of any authorities, they’d be better off using a combination of several of the most popular web mail accounts, like Gmail, and manually encrypting the message before pasting it in or something I dunno, just bc it seems like surveillance systems become less effective with more collection volume, and Gmail has a lot of users

It’s encrypted over Firefox Sync though, regardless of if you set a master password.

The master password is only needed if you don’t have complete physical security (or your machine is hacked)

Curious if OP was more interested in how secure the Sync feature is vs the manager itself. Sync requires trusting that Mozilla aren’t the bad guys.