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Joined 9M ago
Cake day: Oct 01, 2023


The corporate world is really clamping down on VPN use. VPNs for me for not for thee is their motto.

Wtf do you think “network policy” is about when it comes up when using fucking VPNs? It is entirely about VPN use.

Yes, it briefly mentions it but the entirety of that is about shaming VPN use. Is it not?

Then Reddit’s notice should say that instead of scolding sbout VPNs. This problem is not simply with Reddit and a login, it is pervasive. Hell, even lemmy.world blocks vpn connections from making new comments, often.

These assholes forget that people need to use VPNs in many situations. All the bitch ass corporate folks that never have to use their computers in a coffee shop, etc. Fuck spez.

Fossify forked all the Simple Mobile Tools apps and are working on open source, free and ad-free apps with that as the foundation. They have published a few already, Launcher is in the pipeline: https://github.com/FossifyOrg/Launcher

I swapped from Nova Launcher to KISS. It is a different idea for a launcher but I have started to like it a lot.