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Joined 1M ago
Cake day: Aug 12, 2024


Just wait until you get to Transunion’s site. It is a dumpster fire of consisting of the worst sign up I’ve ever seen, “Contact our social team” and "If you haven’t logged in for awhile create a new account. I could not believe how awful it was. I had to just call and do it over the phone.

It was in response to the Naomi Brockwell post she did on Twitter about businesses using WiFi, Bluetooth and Location Services to track you in public locations. You can Google it directly “NBTV Advice from Defcon” or this link: https://nbtv.substack.com/p/advice-from-defcon-turn-off-bluetooth

I am a Tasker enthusiast and when I can automate something simple on my phone I like to. I set a simple task to turn off WiFi when my home network is not detected so my phone doesn't scan and report my location to businesses. However, this functionality is now nonexistent and the developer has to ask people not to one-star their app because it doesn't work. My phone is my phone and killing my ability to use it as such for whatever security theater Google is playing at is why I root my device. Anyone else still rooting for similar reasons?

I actually came here to echo this exact sentiment. I was on Lastpass until their first breach and then on Bitwarden both cloud and self-hosted until a few months ago when I set up with Proton. I liked Bitwarden so I put off trying ProtonPass. One weekend I set it up and ended up putting my 2FA items in as well. It feels absolutely seamless to use. The email aliasing for websites is so easy for making new website accounts. In my desktop and laptop browser the way it automatically offers to autofill the 2FA is so clean. I can’t see myself going back unless Proton gets prohibitively more expensive or the product declines in usability/security. If you are currently using Proton’s suite of apps give Protonpass a try. You can easily import from Last pass/Bitwarden and use both to compare side by side.