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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Aug 03, 2023


Proton just bought Standard Notes, so keep an eye out for changes there. Otherwise, I use Obsidian but I have it sync to my home server so I can access the same data from my phone and computer.

It does swipe. If Swype is something different, then no

Awesome. Every so often I try a few different keyboards but always go right back to SwiftKey because the predictions are so good. I’ll give this one a shot

Also, I have a ton of aliases through Proton. I’m not going to put each on into haveibeenpwned

I use pocket casts and I tried switching to antenna pod because of a thread like this one and came right back to pocket casts. The deal breaker for me was no skip forward 30 seconds (e.g. ads) from the lock screen.

But doodlebug69 needs to accept a message from you before you can see their profile info.

You shouldn’t be forced to be anonymous. If you want to pick the same username, you should be able to. But even so, there’s still a required number at the end. So unless your username elsewhere ends in 2 digits and isn’t already taken, then you can’t pick it anyway

Proton Mail is great. Can’t compare to fastmail because I’ve never used it. But I enjoy being a paying customer instead of an advertising target and I use every product in their suite. Happy to answer more specific questions

And they are really moving quickly with development. I feel like we’re getting new features monthly

You could just pay $8.99 for one month, delete the data from the brokers, and cancel the plan

Any good keyboard recommations?
Every year or so I try one or more privacy focused keyboards. I always end up right back on SwiftKey after a couple of weeks because most of the keyboards I try have the same problem: the predictions suck. Ok, I get that surveillance is good for predictions. Put another way, predictions are tough without collecting everything everyone types. Is there a best-of-both-worlds keyboard out there? I'd be patient enough to give it some time to learn how I type and get better.

Explain setting up a Raspberry Pi to your aunt and have her tell me it’s a low pricw. Let alone lineage os, Jellyfin, Smart tube, and whatever else was in your list. And that solves just casting and steaming. Now do email, messages, browser tracking and fingerprinting, and everything else in our lives… It a lot. And honestly too much.

Oof. This summarizes perfectly what it’s like to give a shit about privacy.

I’ve never looked into backing it up. I do know they make it easy to import emails from other services so maybe they’d make it easy to export to other providers too? You’d have to look into it.

I use Authy and am logged in on multiple devices so if I lose my phone I can still access the 2FA on my laptop. Then log back into the new phone using the laptop.

Yes! I thought I was losing my mind. I was like “I swear this was the third result but now it’s the 5th? Eh, maybe it was the 5th.”

I trust that Signal wouldn’t implement something if it was even questionably proven insecure

Deleting and not using are completely different.

Also most non-American, non-Chinese people are complelty dependent on WhatsApp for messaging so, to answer your question, no. They will neither delete nor stop using.

“what do I care, I don’t have anything to hide”

Am I looking for a high number or a low number?

Looks like Chrome randomized my fingerprint but Firefox doesn’t. Does that mean I should be using chrome instead of FF?

Within our dataset of several hundred thousand visitors tested in the past 45 days, only one in 93387.5 browsers have the same fingerprint as yours.

Currently, we estimate that your browser has a fingerprint that conveys 16.51 bits of identifying information.

But also

Your browser has a nearly-unique fingerprint

I don’t get it

I use privacy.com for free trials when I have no intention of continuing with the service after the trial ends. I still manually close the account but I use a Privacy card just in case they try to charge me anyway.

If someone with the right access at Amazon really wants the Signal metadata, they can get it,

Signal doesn’t keep metadata at all.

Are you going to pay for her account or do you also need to convince her to pay? It’s gonna be a hard sell.

Also, the Android app is not very polished. I think she’s going to have a hard time moving over if 1) she’s not a technical person and 2) isn’t willing to give up creature comforts for the sake of privacy.

Yeah, the Android app is total garbage.

I don’t know if it’ll ever “get there” because they’ve not demonstrated that they’re putting in any effort at all. It’s currently on version 3.0.16. According to ApkMirror, they released 3.0.1 in June of 2022. So that’s over a year of “stability improvements and bug fixes”. Meanwhile they launched Proton Pass, Proton captcha, desktop clients for Drive, introducing new plans, etc.

Honestly, I just want threaded conversations on mobile.

Signal. This isn’t even up for discussion.

Same. Proton gang.

I have plenty to criticize about their lack of creature comforts, but alas.

No it’s not, because the whole point of it is so you can filter them out. Which is exactly what you do when you realize you’re getting email from someone you didn’t give that address to, and at which point it becomes worthless. But stripping out the plusses is trivial and yields an un-filterable address.

Because after you setup the filter to remove that plus sign label, your email address is worthless without removing it.

Scammers are well aware of this trick and can easily strip out everything between the + and the @ on a huge database of email addresses. A better approach is to use Proton Pass or simplelogin, which creates a brand new email address that forwards to your real one. That way you can create a new email address for every site. Both services automatically append the site name and incluse a few random digits to the new email address. So if you want to make a new alias for your LLBean login, it’d create LLBean.gv4gk7.passmail.net which would forward all emails to your real email address.

Settings > data and storage > manage storage > review storage > select the media you want to keep > save

I’ve been using SwiftKey for about as long as you have and for a while, about once or twice a year, I’d do exactly what you’re doing- looking around for a better, privacy focused keyboard. I find one or two and try them out for a while but always end up back on SwiftKey because the predictions are unmatched.

Totally agree. All of the comments in this thread are like “why not ____?”. I can’t event get a critical mass of contacts to use Signal. Adding more and more messaging apps just fractures people even more.

I often do forget I’m on the VPN and I can’t figure out why I can’t chromecast music to my speakers.