Developer by day, gamer by night!

🖥️ Stack: #NodeJS #Flutter #Go 🐧Linux: Currently on #Fedora 🎮️ Games: #ApexLegends and #Chess

Fun fact: Built my own custom keyboard, which sometimes doesn’t work and hangs, but hey… it still adds to the charm, right 😂

  • 2 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 07, 2023


No, it connected to your wifi and downloaded it.

I know thst, but when and how did it get the wifi info.

Did they automatically flash that onto the device, sealed the box packaged it and delivered it - all within 24hrs.

yes I did order it with my Amazon account

However, as appreciative as I am for making my setup process easier, I’m also not happy with the fact, that some random dude had access to my device prior to me.

Who says he’s not part of some weird group installing miners or bots onto my device causing it to slow down over time?

Amazon FireTv Cube scares the shit out of me
I just received a new Fire TV cube gen 3, because my old one is malfunctioning. I know, I hate these devices myself, but it's the only option right now, since a new version of the Nvidia shield isn't coming in the foreseeable future. So, I plugged in the power chord and the HDMI cable into the cube. When it booted up it showed a screen that it's downloading the newest update. At first I thought this must be some typo-bug on the initial boot steps, because I haven't even connected it to the internet yet, neither via cable nor did I go through the wifi setup. After the update has finished, I was greeted with **my real name** and the cube indeed had the actual WiFi settings! WTF?! How's that even possible?

Did they forget to track the google maps history? someone should submit a PR

not entirely… OP is flooding many big communities, not just this one. If I unfollow all of them, I’d be left with memes and nonsense.

this dude posts a lot of BS lately and floods my timeline.

Bro, this ain’t no reddit and you ain’t gonna get karma points. So stop it, ffs!

and yet, it somehow made it into a kids game. The core issue here is the uncontrolled content display. Imagine some NSFW ads slip through into a kids app. Therefore, ads must be forbidden in apps intended for underaged.

This is why we need to fight for Ad-blocks harder than ever. Politicizing children is just not acceptable, no matter which side you're on.