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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 02, 2023


Or just don’t visit websites that have DRM. Any website willing to work with Google on this DRM thing is a website I have zero desire to ever visit.

I don’t give my users a choice at work and those computers are all locked down to where they’d need an admin to install Chrome.

As far as my personal life goes, I’ve just been the go-to guy for computer questions for friends and family most of my life, so they usually listen to my advice, but it also helps to just go into detail as to why the change is necessary (not recommended, but necessary). No one likes to hear that their web browser is making it impossible to block ads and is streamlining the ad experience so they get more ads. Everyone despises ads lol.

I’ve been converting folks where I can! I work in IT for a huge corporation, so our computers all come pre-loaded with Firefox set as the default browser haha.

And with you!

“Google controls 3/4 of the web, so not only am I going to roll over and take it, but I’m going to lube myself up for their convenience.”


Get out of here with that defeatist attitude lol. There’s this little browser called Firefox. They take privacy and ad-blocking very seriously, and the browser is excellent and faster than Chrome now.

I made the switch about six months ago and never looked back, and I am deep in the Googlesphere.

With that kind of attitude, it’s a wonder no one listened to you a decade ago!