
Is it a bird? Is it a plane?


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Joined 1M ago
Cake day: May 22, 2024


What do you mean, self-hosted is equally reachable regardless of where it’s hosted.

You can’t sign up to telegram with the FOSS version, you have to use the Play store.

Most of the online SMS receiving services seem to work, but people are burning new numbers within the hour to sign up to telegram. Sometimes within minutes.

You can use TON crypto to buy a username, but that requires identifying yourself at third party exchanges.

Very nice, a big issue for nooby users was the mess Deltachat created in their regular email inbox.

I stopped using Brave for anything serious after diving into the data collection of Leo, the built-in, practically unstoppable webbrowser AI. It’s appaling to me. I use Cromite at the moment.

Every DMV photo in the United States is being used for AI facial recognition

I’m glad I don’t have a US driving license then.

in the next few years Copilot will simply become a part of people’s lives

Only those who don’t care about privacy and use Windows.

.SU (soviet union domains) are well known for the overrepresentation of cyber criminals.

Would it be racist to use .su as an example domain too?

Sure, it takes me about 5 minutes plus some waiting for the system to initialise.

If you pay for the hosting fee I’ll do it for free since it’s so quick and simple.

It’s literally pasting one command to install a full GUI, open source web admin panel with one-click installations of apps.

You want Matrix Synapse, Nextcloud Talk, XMPP or mail-based chatting? I can also recommend Jitsi for teleconferences.

To be Frank its not crappy software. To be me, it’s crappy terms of service.

If one forgoes contracts and is trusting, anybody can host their private files on my private, self-hosted servers. But only if it’s sensitive documents. Like the stuff you wouldn’t want to host at a standard online host.

Completely free, aint that just a sweet deal?

Personally I find time and money tertiary to privacy and would pay 10 times the standard rate for a truly secure host.

Unfortunately they don’t exist so I learned to self host encrypted servers with VPN access on private infrastructure.

Beat use of time and money ever.