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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 17, 2023


If you have ever had a psycho (or two) stalk you online and/or in the real world, you will understand why privacy and anonymity is important.

I peel the label off, put the sticky sides together and shred it. If it comes off in parts I just stick those to other documents that will be shredded as well, and shred. The trick is to not gum up your shredder. And remember to oil it often.

Kubuntu is very friendly, it’s my daily. Try Mint if you want easier.

just an fyi it’s userstyles.world now. The .org is dead.

Firefox, uBlock Origin, on a Linux Desktop. I have none of these problems and have filters to hide shorts, endcards, autoplay, ambient mode. And I block all cookies from Youtube/Google. Works perfectly.