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Joined 10M ago
Cake day: Aug 15, 2023


I use a real sounding name like luis.m.donovan1962@gmail.com

The more real it appears the harder it is to distinguish garbage data. Also a personal VPN with aguard home running. If I end up choosing a real existing email, well I’m just helping muddy the profile of someone else.

No shopping apps ever, loyalty cards in a fake name with email aliases to a central junk mailbox.

To hell with the lot of them and their business model.

They can profile the device and get hardware info depending on make and software etc but the gold is their app which sucks up everything including your phone number and what you visit on their network. I wouldn’t dream of connecting without a vpn unless it was an emergency situation.

That being said data is always preferable when you have the option.

If it doesn’t have to be a TV but just a screen a monitor may be an option. Otherwise I’d look at eBay or something like that where people are selling old ones.

Regularly delete stuff, you dont want your sd card popped out and accessed. The devices are encrypted but the sd card is not … At least my device doesn’t have that option. I also ensure I have backed up my 2FA codes if the phone is lost or stolen, you dont want to be locked out of your accounts. freeOTP+ allows you to export them.

I used to cover them camera with tape but I have to many signal video calls for that to be workable.

A tor node or relay is just someone running and configuring tor on their server to accept and forward connections to the tor network being part of the chain. Normally a chain has three nodes: an entry , a middle and an exit.

Onion repos are software repositories in this case for the Debian Linux operating system that contain firmware and package updates and are hosted as onion services accessible over tor.

Proton VPN is free and there is also riseup VPN. I run a tor node so I can at least vouch for that one 🙂. The more people that use it and run nodes the more it normalizes it. You can also use onion repos in your distro if supported. I know Debian had had then for a few years now and it uses the apt-transport-tor package.

Preaching to the choir but good to remind some people. Thats why you avoid or limit use of those services. Use tor or a VPN and use multiple layers of blocking such as DNS and in browser blocking. Also foss only applications where possible.