
Go ahead and downvote, it means nothing. Monarchies had some of the strongest support, now they are mostly extinct.


  • 1 Post
Joined 10M ago
Cake day: Aug 27, 2023


  1. You don’t need touch anything in the car for it to connect to the internet. It’s a brand new car, and the car salesperson just put the VIN in the app and you can see the location of the car. Which means, it was already connected right out of the factory.

I didn’t mean “your” as in you specifically, but other people (edit: in fact, most people around the world still have to pay fares) who might be reading this and still live in a place that charges fares.

Maybe your city is different. But in my city, you have to use these RFID fare cards that have a unique number to identify it. Every time you use it, the location and time is logged. You can only buy these fare cards at designated places, which has a camera pointing directly at your face. Now, idk if they have facial recognition, but even if it doesn’t, all it takes is a human to link the card to your identity once, and your travels, past and future is accessible.

“Why don’t you just use a new one every time?” you might ask. Good question.

Each of these fare cards costs around $5, so it’s not very cost efficient to discard them for a little privacy. Plus, all that ewaste.

They actually let you have that $5 that it cost to buy the card to be added to your balance, but you have to register it on their website using your full name, email, phone number, and address. I never tried a vpn, but I suspect they block vpns, if they haven’t, they will likely do so in the near future.

Or you could choose to not register it, and lose out on the $5. But again, all it takes is one security guard thinking you look suspicious, and roll back the CCTV footage, and put the image of your face onto your fare card records. They don’t need to use some advanced facial recognition AI, just some human to save your face and connect it with your fare card identifier.

There is still a little privacy left: you can still use cash for buses (cash option is for buses only, no cash option for the subway), but soon, they’ll be removing that option.

If your city doesn’t already do this, they will soon.

The future will have no privacy, you can’t escape it. (Unless you live in the woods somewhere)

It has to connect to the internet somehow. Otherwise how could I see where the car is are using the Toyota app? I could see the tire pressure in each tire and the amount of fuel.

There is also this button at the top (the ceiling?) of the car that basically acts like an emergency button. Pressing it connects your car to someone at toyota that calls for roadside assistance. But idk why then even have that since most people have phones anyways.

Privacy as in either no telemetry being sent back to the dealer, or the option to turn it off (actually being turned off, not just being set to “off”) The digital aspects of privacy, not car window tint.

Modern car as in a car that’s built within the last 5 years.

Also, I’m not actually looking for a car, just curious.

There are “privacy oriented” smartphone replacements. You could flash graphene os to a Pixel.

There is not really such thing for cars.

Is it possible to have privacy in a modern car?
Edit: Just asked because of curiosity. I'm not actually looking for such vehicles. Edit 2: So for context, my parents new Toyota has this feature that allows the GPS location of the car to be sent to toyota, then you can see the location via an app on android/ios (it's supposed to be an anti-theft feature). The data is sent via an antenna that connects to cell towers, which then connects to the internet, and to the toyota servers. "Diagnostic" and "maintenance" information is also sent via those same antennas. The dealer said it could be turned off, but who knows if they are really off. There's not a hard switch on the car.

Cheapest Sony phone is $999 USD. Spending all that money for a headphone jack? No thanks lol

You could just get a $500 midrange (or even cheaper phones if you want) and get a cheap $30 wireless esrbuds

It actually does have a micro sd slot. But no headphone jack, most phones these days don’t. So your alternative to a repairable phone with no headphone jack is a non-repairable phone that also does not have a headphone jack.