• 1 Post
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 01, 2023


Unfortunately not an option because my workplace does not allow the webmail.

My DDG-search came up with Nine too. There seem not to be much information around its privacy which makes me hesitant.

There is still a spark of hope… If this is really coming I might just wait for it. Thank you for your research!

I tried. They must be still working on it because I could not find the possibility to add an Exchange-Account

E-Mail-App for Android with Exchange / Activesync
I need my work emails on my mobile. They only work with Exchange/Activesync. IMAP is not an option. Is there a good, privacy respecting app for Android out there? I would like if I could use the same app for my other E-Mails which all use IMAP. I now use Gmail, but I hate the unnecessary connection with the big G. I'd also prefer not to use Outlook (mobile) because it (might) send your credentials to MS.