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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 11, 2023


I saw this advice on an IG post (https://www.instagram.com/reel/CxBpKwrSblD/?igshid=MTc4MmM1YmI2Ng==).

This is for a desktop computer. I’m adding in the brackets what I believe are the actions they are taking in the IG video if you don’t want to click the link:

“If you’re on a website that’s forcing you to log in, [right click over the article and select] Inspect Elements, highlight over [the page and select] Delete [and then select] Node.”

I have not tried this myself. If you have clearer directions please reply to this comment!

I just went to 12ft.io and got the following message:

This Deployment has been disabled.

Your connection is working correctly.

Vercel is working correctly.

So I’m guessing the site is gone?

I got 100% in Vivaldi on mobile by going into the settings and selecting “Block trackers and ads” and then selecting every single one of their ad blocking sources (the list was from all different countries). That got me 100% with no addtional add ons.

But it would get publicity, further open up a conversation about privacy, and change (some) users’ minds.

Does Locus allow you to track someone in real time? I couldn’t tell from the screenshots.

But what would you suggest for Android phones? We need tracking for our kids’ commutes.

I told a friend who works in tech that we use Life360 and he blanched. He began to persuade me it would not be a good thing to use. Thanks to a post here I now turned on location tracking in Google Maps in our phones. I’ve been hearing that we should try to limit our use of Google but in this instance is it better than Life360? Are there any other alternatives for Android?

Ohhh, I did not know that was a thing! I will look into that.

Speaking of privacy and tracking, would anyone know of a location app that can be trusted not to sell the tracking data? My family uses Life360 so that we can track our children’s locations as they commute to and from school.or.run around the neighborhood, that sort.of thing. We have Android phones. I’m under the impression that if we all had iPhones we could track them using Apple apps,.which would not do anything funky with the data. This is something I wasn’t too worried about until reading more about privacy, but I still need to know where my kids are.