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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Mar 24, 2023

AI summary: > Elon Musk's stance as a champion of free speech faces scrutiny due to his Twitter platform's direction. While Musk's purported dedication to transparency is questioned, his efforts to shape Twitter into an all-encompassing control hub have raised alarms about heightened surveillance and control. Appointing a content suppressor further fans doubts. While Musk has supported censored individuals, he's also accused of exacerbating divisions. Kanye West's return involves adhering to restrictive rules, sparking worries about constrained expression. The notion of Musk as a free speech advocate is contested, with his actions and intent arousing skepticism. Amidst a shifting Twitter landscape, suspicions grow regarding Musk's role in fostering genuine expressive freedom.

>Amazon's Ring cameras were allegedly used by employees and third-party contractors to spy on customers. The FTC has filed a complaint against Amazon, which may result in a $5.8 million settlement. Employees had unrestricted access to customer videos and could download, save, and share them. Some employees abused this access, including viewing videos of female users in private areas. Ring made changes to access rights but further abuses occurred. Ring also failed to implement security measures, resulting in security incidents and compromised devices. As part of the settlement, Ring is required to delete customer videos and data collected before 2018. In a separate settlement, Amazon agreed to pay $25 million for failing to protect children's privacy in relation to Alexa voice recordings and geolocation data.

To use AI to recognize a person in an anonymized dataset based on speech patterns, one approach is to use an artificial neural network (ANN) to analyze the social behavior of individuals in the dataset[1]. Here are some steps to follow:

  1. Collect the anonymized dataset containing information on anonymous users’ interactions.
  2. Organize each user’s interaction data into web-shaped data structures consisting of nodes representing the user and their contacts. Strings threaded with interaction data connect the nodes.
  3. Train an ANN to recognize the social behavior of individuals in the dataset. The ANN should be shown the interaction web of a known person and then set loose to search the anonymized data given not just information about the target’s interactions but also those of their contacts[1].
  4. Test the ANN’s ability to identify individuals in the anonymized dataset by providing it with the interaction data of a known person and seeing if it can correctly identify that person in the dataset[1].

Another approach is to use natural language processing (NLP) to anonymize the data while preserving its usefulness for analysis. This involves using NLP techniques to detect different types of entities in free text, such as phone numbers or names, and then replacing them with anonymized placeholders[2].

It’s worth noting that there are also many other applications of AI in speech analysis, such as detecting Parkinson’s disease from nocturnal breathing signals[3].


[1] https://www.sciencenews.org/article/ai-identify-anonymous-data-phone-neural-network

[2] https://towardsdatascience.com/nlp-approaches-to-data-anonymization-1fb5bde6b929

[3] https://www.nature.com/articles/s41591-022-01932-x

By Perplexity at https://www.perplexity.ai/search/393f6b31-7a52-4e71-b9c8-d58ef6d14bf7