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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 16, 2023


Not to rain on the parade, but as long as we allow the reality-sized hole that is non-profits owning for-profits, this isn’t something I can get terribly excited about.

This whole “for-profit owned by a non-profit” paradigm needs to globally crushed right the fuck now. It should never have been allowed to happen and should not be tolerated.

“Mozilla acquires ad company”

FTFY, linuxiac.

I do like their laptops, but for literally everything else: the fact that I basically don’t own my own hardware.

I can’t install or distribute my own software without Apple’s arbitrary approval. When Apple decides it’s done supporting the products, I can’t even install a different OS like Linux because the hardware is completely locked down… they become paper-weights.

That is not how ownership is supposed to work.