I blow hot air.

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 06, 2023


That’s crappy, but have you seen what other remote apps are doing?

Vizio has an ad that takes up around 25% of the screen!

MyQ has a large scrolling ad at the top, and they are actively hostile towards any integration that allows you to control your garage door without using their app (unless you use one of the very few subscription-based integrations they offer, of course).

vizio app with a huge ad

myQ app with a scrolling ad

If nobody was allowed to post their own stuff, then things like official comic accounts wouldn’t exist. Or official accounts in general.

Before the internet even existed. You are aware that forums have existed before anyone made an account on Lemmy, right?

People aren’t allowed to post their own stuff now? That’s been the norm since forever.

Signal takes steps to reduce the amount of metadata visible, like sealed sender which makes it so that Signal doesn’t know who sent a message. Even your payment information for donations is separated from your identity so that they know you are a donor, but not how you donated.

It desn’t matter if Signal were hosted on Putin’s personal servers. Its security is in its protocol, it’s not trust based.