Sup. Was from

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Cake day: Aug 02, 2023


Fair enough. I respect the response. I’ve just been seeing some of the same threads throughout my time on lemmy and its essientially the same responses generally from brave users (which is their choice). Its not fully a waste but at this point the mods should just pin this thread.

Then like I said, you can ask the mods to pin this if its so essiential to post this every week and to see the same discussion points as well. Keep it to one megathread or this becomes an excuse to karma farm.

I see this exact thread every week now and it’s between the same people:

“Oh ok i stopped using it” to “Naw i’ll keep using brave”

At this point can we stop this? Brave is trash but people are either too stubborn or just don’t care anymore (which is ironic). Either mods just pin this thread and treat this as a “brave is trash” megathread or I don’t know.