• 4 Posts
Joined 7M ago
Cake day: Nov 21, 2023


That comment is there specifically to drive engagement up with all of the people correcting me in the comments.

For now we’re going to host on residential connections, and if any ISPs ban us, we’ll just find other ISPs

The frontend is pure HTML and CSS, you can see what its doing with inspect element, all network requests too

Our frontend is open, its just HTML and CSS, nothing proprietary client side, which would piss him off.

To answer your questions in order:

  • We have our own index, its not a shitshow of mixed results like Searx tends to be. this also means that we’re not chasing breaking changes of some larger engine when they decide they dont want us, like Twitter did to Nitter, and Bing did to Searx.
  • We don’t know how to monetize. Ads are the only option that we know of, donations do not work at all, as proven by my previous projects.
  • We’ve already got spam prevention and removal measures in place, but I won’t discuss them.
  • We don’t know how to scale it since its centralized by design and the frontend and backend are tightly integrated, largely because the frontend is largely generated on the fly by the backend. Maybe host a copy for each region we’re aiming to acquire users from?
  • Our engine already understands 5 languages, and we hope to expand to CJK languages soon.

For anyone who asks, we will not open source, but we may offer a licensed self-hosted version for a small yearly fee (maybe $10-20).

I’ve open sourced everything I’ve made in the past, and all that’s happened is someone with more money picks up my project, outcompetes me, and drives me out of business. I dont want our hard work going to waste.

We’re building a search engine to compete with DuckDuckGo. No JS, no WASM, no spying. Just a statica
We're (a group of friends) building a search engine from scratch to compete with DuckDuckGo. It still needs a name and logo. Here's some pictures (results not cherrypicked): [https://imgur.com/a/eVeQKWB](https://imgur.com/a/eVeQKWB) Unique traits: - Written in pure Rust backend, HTML and CSS only on frontend - no JavaScript, PHP, SQL, etc.. - Has a custom database, schema, engine, indexer, parser, and spider - Extensively themeable with CSS - theme submissions welcome - Only two crates used - TOML and Rocket (plus Rust's standard library) - Homegrown index - not based on Google, Bing, Yandex, Baidu, or anything else - Pages are statically generated - super fast load times - If an onion link is available, an "Onion" button appears to the left of the clearnet URL - Easy to audit - No: JavaScript, WASM, etc.. requests can be audited with F12 network tab - Works over Tor with strictest settings (official Tor hidden service address at the bottom of this post) - Allows for modifiers: **hacker -news +youtube** removes all results containing hacker news and only includes results that contain the word "youtube" - Optional tracker removal from results - on by default h No censorship - results are what they are (exception: underage material) - No ads in results - if we do ever have ads, they'll be purely text in the bottom right corner, away from results, no media - Everything runs in memory, no user queries saved. - Would make Richard Stallman smile :) THIS IS A PRE-ALPHA PRODUCT, it will get much MUCH better over the coming months. The dataset in the temporary hidden service linked below does not do our algorithm justice, its there to prove our concept. Please don't judge the technology until beta. Onion URL (hosted on my laptop since so many people asked for the link): ht6wt7cs7nbzn53tpcnliig6zrqyfuimoght2pkuyafz5lognv4uvmqd.onion

Update: I made a spreadsheet that ranks messaging apps for privacy
I've been working hard on the privacy spreadsheet, which has been in development for over 150 hours now. Its been updated, and now includes more messaging apps and more data, with a better format. I'm still working on the sidebar issue, if anyone knows how to fix it, here's the GitHub repo: [https://github.com/du82/privacyspreadsheet.com](https://github.com/du82/privacyspreadsheet.com) I'm aiming to make this the most valuable resource for privacy, beyond messaging as well, but one thing at a time.

Mailing lists are for old fat unix guys. Who uses email anymore? I can’t even remember the last time I opened my inbox, maybe a month ago for a 2FA code?

I’ll stick with GitHub because its what I know. If you don’t want to use GitHub, then you can still view the spreadsheet, just dont click the GitHub or Datasets links in the fop left.

Status got a recommendation purely because it has proven itself to be resiliant to subpoenas and the cryptography is implemented well.

Nothing is sponsored, and no matter who I work for in the future, it won’t impact the results. It’s open source on GitHub, and I’m looking for contributors to decentralize control of the spreadsheets.

I have worked for Status in the past, but that has not impacted the review of any apps. The spreadsheet has been reviewed thoroughly by others in the privacy space before I published it, and I encourage everyone to take a look and report any inaccuracies.

The criteria is objective on purpose. Everything on the spreadsheet can be verified for accuracy.

You’re not required to contribute. I went with GH because it doesn’t require creating a new account on an obscure Git provider, which would kill the chwnces of anyone contributing.

They purposefully removed perfect forward secrecy, which is an important part of preventing future compromise in the chain of messages.

I will not include any JS in the site. I’m not a web dev, I’m a mobile app dev, so web dev is new to me

Now you have something visual that you can show them and say “this is how bad SMS is compared to Signal”

I’ve updated the spreadsheet to include Google Messages, should be live on the site now :)

I’m working on it, and an Excel file will be available later today under the “datasets” directory in GitHub

Please submit a GitHub issue so I can track the suggestions and problems, thanks

Please submit a GitHub issue so I can track the suggestions and problems, thanks

A mastodon post? what? did someone share it there?

Its not Google Sheets. It was initially generated with the tool because I like the formatting, but its HTML running on Cloudflare Pages. The source code is here

If you see errors or hwve suggestions, please submit an issue on GitHub, they’re easier to track than here

Session, Wire, and Element are done and will be added later today

Working on it, hard to do well without JavaScript while maintaining the ease of webpage generation

Lets be honest, its not much different from China. They both make social media companies censor, and they both track citizens to predict their likliness of committing a crime in the future.

I forgot Grindr DMs, but you already know that ones gonna be red all the way down lmao

Pls share with friends if you find it useful, I dont accept donations or anything, and it’ll never have ads or bullshit.

I’m working on adding more services, but each one takes about 4 hours to research and review.

I made a spreadsheet that ranks messengers for privacy
I've been working really hard to research and rank messaging apps by their privacy. The more green boxes the better. I plan to turn [PrivacySpreadsheet.com](https://privacyspreadsheet.com) into a place for privacy data on everything from cars to video games. It's all open source too on [GitHub](https://github.com/du82/privacyspreadsheet.com). Not trying to advertise, I just put a lot of time into researching all this, and I want to share it since I think others could benefit.