Fuck Spez

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 03, 2023


Muxing upvotes , “balances”, etc.

Even hiding all upvotes of every comment thread until ~12 hrs after posting.



I know Fark and /. and MySpace, and still exist

Some of the better subreddits tried to mix it up and change how this affected upvotes. There was Muxing,…etc etc… But then,… Spez came in (back) and didn’t give af about anything at all except money.

“Pay-Per-Click”, is all this is when you break it down to its basest.

Narwhal developers have come out and said that they have to pay beforehand for clicks to the API—- what absolute bullshit Reddit and Spez are bringing to the trough. Spez killed reddit—- calling it now; a slow painful lingering shitty death.

People will not put up with it once they know what is really going on.

Let em know. “Pay-Per-Click” will not stand.