• 2 Posts
Joined 5M ago
Cake day: Dec 27, 2023


Ugh scientific papers behind a paywall. Those publishers are the worst, mainly because any respectable researcher will give you access to their papers for free. Just have to go around the publisher.

You guys are killing it in the responses. I have sooo many options now.

I didnt even know that was possible. What are legal implications when doing this?

12 ft ladder Alternative?
12ft ladder doesnt seem to work anymore, on major sites at least. Does anyone have an alternative? Gracias

I think there alot of lurkers in this sub (myself included) who are in the same position you were in 6 months ago. Thank you for showing us the first steps. This might be the kick I needed to start getting serious about privacy.

How are those scripts with updates? YT has been on the ball lately, patching holes. Im definitely going to look into using scripts though, thanks for the rabbithole… see you in a few weeks haha.

Their strategy to combat ad blockers is to add more ads. Logic becomes irrelevant when youre surrounded with a cloud of greed. Ublock ftw.

I havent tried it, but I was told about Redact. It replaces all of your post with gibberish.