A cricket in your life

  • 3 Posts
Joined 4Y ago
Cake day: Jan 28, 2020


It’s expensive, more for me in Argentina. But I’m thinking to pay yearly

I’m not at US, EU or HK…damn, can’t use PikaPods either?

Same as photo prism , don’t know how to create my own server

I’ve saw it, but truth be told, I don’t know nothing about to deploy my own server…

I've been looking for an alternative to Google Photos. My question is, because I've created a free account. How good is ente.io?

I’ll look for presearch

Indeed, it’s good on speed and results

I’m using the free version of 100 search. Tbt, it’s quick…but again, 5 dollars to me, here in Argentina is something I can maybe afford

Kagi search engine
Recently discovered a search engine thanks another social network (Pjuu). Appears as a premium search engine that take cares privacy. Anyone knows it? I'm trying the free version

What a question. My dog was terminal ill, and vet says that we have to euthanize her. In days before that, in the family we talk a lot about the moment. And the day it was…Google photos send me a notification of “memories”…photos with my dog…chills my spine

According privacy…
Which option can be the best to browse in Android (between these options) - Bromite ; Firefox - Stix - Iceraven - Icecast