Transporter Room 3

Located on Deck 6, Room 2054. Mass evacuation site for decks 5-10.

I’m someone’s favorite.

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Nov 19, 2023


Pfffff yeah if you don’t use a faday cage the size of a room in the style of Enemy of the State.

You get a fine you can’t pay? Sorry that’s illegal. Jail or seized assets. If you have no assets, just jail and garnished wages. Good luck paying your fine on 23 cents a week (minus taxes)

This company gets a fine it can’t pay? “okay you don’t have to pay, just pinky swear you won’t do it again, now here’s a bailout go play with the other rich kids (and leave the poors to me cracks knuckles)”

I’d rather not.

I’m too poor to even imagine it.

No way! I’ve met 6 other John Does lately!

Of course, my name is Jonathan Jacobian Djengle, I was adopted by the Heimerschmidt family. You can call me John.

I feel sorry for the agent or LLM made to monitor me. It’s gotta be so fucking boring 99.975% of the time.

Not OP but if it’s anything like my cousin, literally magnetized. As in “attracts ferrous materials”

As in “my credit cards don’t work because you got the coof Vax not because they’re over their limits and I make poor financial decisions” and “don’t get too close to grandma or your blood magnets will set off her pacemaker”