French, speaking English and Spanish.

  • 2 Posts
Joined 3Y ago
Cake day: Mar 11, 2021


That’s great reading something else than “use a work computer”.

Actually, this is the root of my problem, I don’t really seek clients that are people using tiktok. My target customer doesn’t use any of this crap, but before I can count on word of mouth, I need to eat, and I’ll make some profit when I’ve finally met my target customers.

In the meantime, it’s thin line to walk on.

Thanks for your input.

I’m using Insular atm, which I like.

I was curious so I installed Shelter, but I can’t find how to setup a VPN for the work profile as you mentioned.

I have an online business. How f*cked am I ?
Hi there, I'm currently going through some significant changes in my life. I'll be making a professional transition soon by leaving Paris for a more rural area, but I won't bore you with all the details. My issue is that I really value my privacy and dislike big tech companies like gafam. To protect myself, I use Pihole and only allow an old phone to have access to meta products. I recently caved in and reactivated my old Facebook and Instagram accounts to help with advertising, along with using a platform similar to Hootsuite to streamline things. When responding to private messages on Instagram, I use Aeroinsta to block ads and telemetry. I'm managing okay so far, but I've seen the success some people have on TikTok and feel tempted to create an account. The thought of it turns my stomach, though. If you're in a similar situation where online communication is vital, how do you navigate it? Have you found any alternative apps for TikTok like Aerosinsta ? I'd really appreciate hearing from you and getting some insights. Thank you for your input.

First, remember that you’re not fighting this war alone. The most important part is educating people who are curious about it around you.

Second, it’s not about winning; it’s about being the biggest pain in the ass possible for people making money off our privacy.

Keep fighting in the way that suits you best.

I will need to have some spare time to have a look at this (and understand it). I might hyu in the near future ;)

Thanks for the info :)

I will post to pixelfed anyway. But it sure doesn’t have a lot of reach…

You’re right. I might just actually spin a firefox in docker :)

Thank you for this very elaborated answer.

You might hear from me in the next months, where we’ve actually moved. I lack people in my surrounding having the same kind of professional activity :)

And I join my fellow lemmings into thinking your answer is very thoughtful and benevolent. The world need more people like you ♥

Sorry for my ignorance, but can you tell me more about PortableApps ? Is it this ?

I f I understand, this is some kind of platform that allows me to use, well, portable apps ?

Librewolf is my main browser and I only use it when I can.

I already have an ungoogled chromium on my PC. That’ll help :)

How would you handle having an online business you need to advertise ?
Hi ! I'm a privacy enthousiast. I have pihole running at home, I use it as my DNS resolver, and I use wireguard on my phone to connect home and use pihole on it. Never been happier. No Facebook, no Instagram, no social media at all. Thing is, I'm making big changes in my life. I'm moving from Paris to the countryside and I need, I badly need to advertise my services as a freelancer (sound engineer and wedding photographer). Of course, I'm in the process of building my website (almost there), but I am nothing if I don't post on Instagram and Facebook (in particular for my photo work). I've seen what other successful wedding photographers do with social media, and I need to do something alike. I deeply despise meta, but I'll have to make a sacrifice at some point. I've already found something like hootsuite to schedule my posts without having to login into fb or insta, but I'll have to login at some point for the interactions. So I'll install some secure OS on an old phone I'll use only for that purpose, but damn, I already feel dirty. How would you feel about this ? What would be your approach ? For those of you that are in a similar situation, what's your method ?

You are so fucking blocked.

I don’t get brave’s strategy here. This is such bad publicity for an already shady company.

The price, no headphones plug…

Doesn’t seem fair to me to be honest.

I didn’t know that :o

Would you have a relevant link to share so I can learn more about it please ?

I tried a cheap “lifetime” subscription offer a few years back. They’re garbage. Period. I’m surprised they’re still around stealing people’s money.