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Joined 10M ago
Cake day: Aug 14, 2023


In my defence it’s late at night here 🙈

While I agree with you, if OP is spending money on a remote, they may as well try to find an original remote. They’re unlikely to be expensive, and will have all the correct buttons :)

I used to work for one of the big game retailers in the UK, and we didn’t do that, we would just scan the generic barcode. That was about 15 years ago though, so things may be different now.

There’s an extension for Firefox and maybe Chrome that should help. I think it’s called ClearURL, or something similar. It removes the trackers from the ends of URLs

EDIT: That’s assuming that it’s a legitimate tracking URL, and not something that’s been added by malware.

That’s the biggest problem. I used to use a suspension service for Chrome that would change your open links to its own format when a tab was suspended. I bookmarked hundreds of links in their format over the years.

The service was bought out by a third party, then sold to a scammer, leading to it getting banned by Google.

I’ve now got hundreds of links that are obfuscated, and the only way to get them back is to manually edit them and see which ones are important.

What is User Script please? I have to use Facebook, and all the crap is frying what’s left of my brain.

I’m at the stage where I check it once a day, maybe twice, for things like birthdays and anything important that my friends post. 90% of what’s there is suggested posts, ads, or reposted shit. ‘What type of gemstone suits you best? Tap here to find out!’

That’s the one. I mostly use it to keep websites that I’m managing separate from everything else, so I use the software I mentioned earlier.

I’ve got a profile for myself too, and that has a few browsers, some small games, an antivirus, and my email client. I back it up to a portable drive, so that it’s an extra backup, and can be taken with me if I know I’m going to be away from my computer for a while.

I use a PortableApps installation to keep my work separated. You could run it in a virtual machine too.

As far as the social media platforms go though, I just use the first party sites for scheduling posts. I have to give them a minimum amount of information to have accounts on them, so I don’t see the point in giving that information to someone else too.

I’ve got a browser, email client, and FTP client, and they’re all completely separate from everything else on my computer.

Just to clarify, you don’t need to install an app or extension to use AdGuard, you can just use its dns servers. I use their own dns for my phone, so that it works everywhere, but I use my self hosted AdGuard instance at home.

I haven’t needed to change anything in the filters yet, but by self hosting, I’ve got the option if it’s ever needed.

i want to get into things like torrenting

The second line of the original post. The topic is privacy and torrenting

Do you know the proper url please? I’ve just searched, and there are a few different results.