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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 01, 2023


Google is an advertising company. Their goal is to maximize profit from advertising. Avoiding government regulation is part of that goal. By imposing “good enough” self-regulation they hope keep governments from stepping in. Their solution is definitely better than the currently dying 3rd party cookie free-for-all.

Mozilla is right to question whether “targeted” ads are a good idea at all. I personally find it easier to ignore non-targeted ads, myself. But, if Mozilla decides not to cooperate & holds out for the Platonic ideal tech, they may cause ad dependent web sites to block Firefox completely. That would not be good for any of us.

Nextcloud syncs my KeepassXC safe.

For the last 20 years I’ve used unique (optionally) disposable email addresses for every site and service I’ve signed up for. Avoided facebook completely & don’t reuse usernames across sites.

Confession: I did use the same username on AIM & Twitter, but both those sites are dead now.

91% on Firefox for Android with I lock Origin and pfblockerng on my router.