• 2 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 25, 2023


I just created a wiki page with the available instances, pretty simple at the moment. Thanks to @privacyfrontends@lemm.ee for setting up the first instance!

That would be great! If you do, I could create a list of public instances and add yours. :D

Two weeks ago I posted about Proxigram, a new way to use Instagram while retaining your privacy [https://lemmy.world/post/925726]() one of the features listed to be added in the future was RSS feeds and now, it's available! I know most of us use RSS feeds to get updates from different sources to get the content we actually care and to have more control over what you see. This is why adding RSS feed to Proxigram was something important. When using Proxigram to get the feed of an account you will be able to see the content inside the post and not just the cover of the post. To get the feed of a profile, just add ```/rss``` at the end: - ```/{username}/rss``` This feed is for posts only at the moment, one of the features that are planned to be added to Proxigram are stories, when stories are ready to use, it will have a RSS feed too! Something like: - ```/{username}/stories/rss``` - ```/{username}/rss?stories=1``` ~~That being said, at the moment there is not a public instance of the project, so you will only able to use it by self-hosting the project by manual installation, I know, but this will change since adding docker is in the priority list.~~ [Wiki page of instances](https://codeberg.org/ThePenguinDev/Proxigram/wiki/Instances) You can help the project if you are interested by hosting a public instance, sharing the project or helping in the development to add new features and/or fixing bugs. That will be really helpful and appreciated. Repository: https://codeberg.org/ThePenguinDev/Proxigram Thanks for reading! :D

I really hope to see it too! That would improve a lot of people privacy journey.

We all know the record of bad practices that Meta has done against user's privacy. Regardless of that, Instagram still is one of the largest social media in the world. This makes it imposible to not have to check Instagram sometimes, but it can be hard to use Instagram when the website is filled with sign-up banners everywhere, is tracking all your activity and wants you to install the official app. This is where Proxigram comes in. There are other Instagram viewers out there, but some of them can be a little tricky to use since most of them have ads, need JavaScript or are full of captchas and trackers. Proxigram does the job for you and goes to these services, parses the data, and gives it back to you. Using an instance of Proxigram, you can browse Instagram without JavaScript while retaining your privacy with all the requests going through the server. The client never talks to Instagram or other service providers (unless it is specified). ### **Screenshot** ![](https://lemmy.world/pictrs/image/fe9c85ec-0dec-4188-a448-87a7abce6af4.png) ### Features - See user profile and feed - See individual post by shortcode - See tags - RSS feed - ```/{username}/rss``` -> Posts - API - ```/api/{username}``` -> profile info - ```/api/{username}/posts``` -> profile feed - query: - cursor: {postId}_{userId} - ```/api/p/{shortcode}``` -> post - ```/api/p/{shortcode}/comments``` -> post's comments - ```/api/tag/{tag}``` -> tag posts [](https://codeberg.org/ThePenguinDev/Proxigram) We plan to add more features like ~~RSS~~, stories and more, stay tune! At the moment, there is not a official instance, but you can follow the [README.md](https://codeberg.org/ThePenguinDev/Proxigram/src/branch/main/README.md) in the repository to run one or use one in the [wiki page of public instances](https://codeberg.org/ThePenguinDev/Proxigram/wiki/Instances). CHANGELOG: - RSS feed has been added as new feature - Fix misspelings - Add wiki page of instances