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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 24, 2023


The original idea was to take back control of our money from greedy and corrupt banks and politicians. Very very very few people use it as that now though. Most just see it as a get rich quick scheme.

As we are in the privacy sublemmy: All of the privacy issues have already been solved, those that keep saying that it is a log of everyone you ever paid kept forever have no idea what they are talking about. Just simple thing like that you should (almost) never use an address twice removes a lot of the privacy concerns. There are also other ways to obfuscate and stay anonymous.

Some countries have different age restrictions for hetro and homosexual encounters too. Not to mention that in a lot of countries it just outright illegal, and everything not condeming it can be seen as encouraging it and hence illegal too.

We humans make some weird laws around sex.

In some countries all forms of description of underage sexual activities are illegal. So the sentance “She was having sex” is perfectly legal, but add an age marker and it is illegal. “She was having sex on the day before her 18th birthday”.

It is hard to legislate around as there will always ve ways to avoid it and get around it. But all this just sounds like the normal hype => fear => hype => fear, etc cycle that all new tech goes through.