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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 07, 2023


It was recommended until they changed their business model to charging advertisers to be allowed through the blocking because they were “the good type of advert”

I’m not agreeing with it, but if I had $100k in my back pocket I would know how I got it. Like I said, the article should have focused on normal people with reasonable and understandable amounts, who probably wouldn’t be able to afford the court costs either.

This was a good article, US centric, but interesting. Would have been better if it didn’t start with a picture of a happy looking dog and a seizure of $100k cash which the author can’t even explain. The law says you have to prove you didn’t get the money illegally, if I had $100k in my suitcase I think I would be able to explain how I got it.

tax bad
cops bad
corrupt military dictatorships good