uhhhhhh, how’s it goin’?

Reddit: /u/_ SucukAdam _ (without the spaces between underscores)
Twitter: @ Sucuk_Adam_

  • 3 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 03, 2023


Add SmartTube for Android/Google/Fire TV on there too :D

I wrote this because I liked their services (because of their features) and wanted to know the community’s opinion on them.
I don’t really remember how I found out about them, but I think it was an article or video.
I wouldn’t consider this thing I wrote “extensive”, other than the Proton competitor stuff, I just listed some stuff on their website and some of my opinions.

Hmm, I see, my bad.
They do encrypt the subject and recipient/sender’s e-mails but they are not e2ee.
Thanks for the correction.

That’s a very big downside if you want to use them as your e-mail provider, yes.

you know, i kinda over-saturated the positives of skiff now that i read this thing again, it feels like an advert. But I am in no way affliated with Skiff, I haven’t even signed up yet, I just listed their services and positives.

I should have signed up and tested it for a bit, that’s my bad, I apologize.

Proton Mail encrypts the content of the mails, not the subject. So even if it is a Proton Mail-to-Proton Mail conversation the subject is not encrypted. Skiff also encrypts the subject of the mail in a Skiff-to-skiff conversation.

I'm looking at Skiff's services lately and it's actually looking pretty good! They offer [E-mail](https://skiff.com/mail), [Pages](https://skiff.com/pages) (docs), [Calendar](https://skiff.com/calendar) and [Drive](https://skiff.com/drive). **(Almost)** Everything is E2EE, see [here](https://skiff.com/security-model). Their E-mail service supports custom domains, unlimited aliases, easy migration, auto-reply, schedule and undo sends and more stuff. One thing to note is they also encrypt the e-mail subject, whereas (for example) Proton Mail does not. They have Pages, which is something like docs+notes+wikis. They have teams, real-time collaboration, public link sharing and version history. I don't really care much about this but it's really nice to have. They have Calendar, which I'm not really gonna get into because I'm not really into that stuff. You can check it [here](https://skiff.com/calendar) if you want. And finally they have Drive. They offer 10 GB of storage for free, you can upload any file type with any size (well, of course within the limit), easy migration and the option to store your stuff on the IPFS which is really great. Some of the features I mentioned are not free, you can see their pricing [here](https://skiff.com/pricing). They have a free tier for (of course) nothing, an Essential tier for $3, A Pro tier for $8 and a Business tier for $12 dollars per user per month. These are yearly prices so keep that in mind. Also, they are based in the **US** if that's a privacy concern for you. Now, I want to ask this question: Can Skiff be a Proton competitor? I'm... not so sure. They have only been around for about 3 years, but they are developing very fast. They are also active with their community on reddit and Discord, so that's cool. My suggestion right now is to use both. You can use Proton's Mail and Calendar and Skiff's Drive for example. Proton has a VPN and a password manager and Skiff has Pages, so you can use all of those if you want. I think Skiff has a bright future, if they make the right choices they will grow more. This is kind of a half-review **without testing** I guess. So what do you think about Skiff?

Yeah it’s kind of useless. The apps you listed are available, but for example Newgrounds is banned.

IDK about the second thing about the encrypted apps, but I would expect them to do it. But some people have been jailed for criticizing Erdogan.

and IDK what place Turkey is, but yeah it has a very high number.

Erdogan pls don’t put me in jail

Does your country have something similar to the GDPR?
Just curious. Well, of course the EU has the GDPR and California has the CCPA. My country, Türkiye, has the KVKK. (The Turkish Data Protection Law/Authority) Does your country have something similar to this?

Yeah, they are in alot of websites. Buat now, even if you block trackers on your browser aggresively and use apps without fb tracking etc. etc. your data will still be collected by fb with this thing.

One alternative is going offline :D

“ah yes, sweet metadata of other people who don’t even use our products.”

I knew they were very data-hungry, but NOT THAT MUCH.

Well, Meta can still do their practices though. And I fear it will be even worse since they can know when you texted, who you texted, where you texted, for how long you texted in WA and i fear this will spread to other platforms too.

Hmm, yeah true. More people can take a look at the code, find vulnarabilities and fix it. Then it should be open-source too, since it would also be hard to bypass even if that happened. So there’s not really an argument to not make it open-source.

I do not have the knowledge, time or money to set up my own servers for those sadly. And it would probably take time for my family to adjust to those.

Tried it about a month ago, it felt barebones so I deleted it but it’s quickly updating, might check it again!

Hocam öncelikle eyvallah. :D Ama ben başladığım işi bitiremeden içime huzur girmez. Annem ile Signal’den yazışıyoruz bile. :D

[Matrix]/XMPP güzel seçenekler, kendi sunucum olursa zaten gizlilik benim elimde olur ama o konularda hiç bilgim yok. Olsaydı bile sunucu için param yok, kendi bilgisayarım kötü ve ailemin öyle bir öyle bir ortama alışabileceğini sanmıyorum.

Verdiğin linke benzer bir şeyler okumuştum, bazı iyi noktaları var ama çoğunun karşı-argümanları (tam doğru kelimeyi bulamadım) var çoğunun. Tabii bazıları hala önemini koruyor ve kritik noktalar.

Hayırlı geceler diliyorum.

Hmm, good points.
Most of these have some kind of (strong or weak) counter-arguments.
I have mixed thoughts about the first point, they kinda have some good points though.2 and 4 got resolved, very critical issues nonetheless, shouldn’t have happened. The 3rd point seems kinda OK, I’m sure they would like the idea of making that open-source, but that would probably make it bypassable, correct me if im wrong. I didn’t know about the fifth! The reason they gave also seems defenseless.

Concerning situations for all of the points.

Not trying to hate or back up Signal here, just my opinions.

Well, it’s more privacy-focused, feels like home, and it’s not hard to get used to and it’s not a data-hungry company like Meta or Google. Also Other platforms i tested didn’t really fit right with me.

Is it (still) worth trying to switch my family and friends from WhatsApp to Signal? (Read all of it,
This may sound a bit dumb, but eh. So when that WhatsApp privacy policy change thing happened in early 2021, I tried switching from WhatsApp to Signal and Telegram. Telegram kinda stuck with me since i still get news from there, but Signal... not really because I didn't care about privacy back then. Now, I want to make the switch from WhatsApp to Signal, and I have a few plans on how to do that. But, is it worth it, since most people in Türkiye use Whatsapp and even if I switch my family and friends over to Signal, they'll still use WhatsApp since most people are on there. So, yeah. Should i try, or is it not worth doing? Let me know, also, thanks in advance! (Note: Most of my family and friends don't really care about privacy.) (Note 2: This was also posted in r/signal and r/privacy subreddits.)