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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 21, 2023


Cool so we can just make up our own rules now. Well, all Microsoft products are freeware now because the same reason this guy

Yes but it’s hard for these people to put a price the feeling they get from oppressing people

I thought they got rid of that from the list altogether when they realized they couldn’t not be evil while simultaneously maximizing profits

Safe to say that even if they did claim that they would stop, they probably wouldn’t. They’re like crackheads for peoples personal info. So fucking creepy

Well considering if you actively avoid meta products for ethical reasons they still make a ghost profile of you made from photos people upload with you in it and contact lists of people who have you in their phone and allow meta full access to their shit for some reason, “just in case” you ever join Facebook. Fairly sure it’s then used to build a profile of you and your internet use to serve you ads and sell your tracking data. Fuck the modern day internet is just fucking rotten at the core. I’m not sure I answered your question but I think it gives you the gist

I agree. I’ll happily take some of them downvotes please

And everyone else will have their shit dumped out in the open when ai starts breaking through all the back doors and manipulating officials into clearing them