Just a panda developer

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 09, 2023


We sane ones must stick together. I don’t know why it’s so hard for people to understand that they can’t force Nvidia to go open source at gun point. They just move elsewhere

Thank you for all the replies. Really should me how boned Linux is. And that alot of you have absolutely no idea how the GPL works. If you call a GPL function, the calling code MUST be GPL too.

Hey let a man dream of a Linux freed from the exclusionary ideology of GNU. And if not, well you guys are more than welcome to hole up in your “No closed sourced allowed fort.” I and others will just move to the equally capable BSD Unixs

This is why Linux will always struggle to be mainstream. They can’t shake the grip of GPL. Forcing open source at gun point just alienates people.

No. YouTube has already removed features from their app and sold it back to us. They can fuck off