Sorry for scaring developers

Norwegian proot with a taste for shitposting Deeply sorry for my photoshop creation

Former account at Kbin

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Joined 9M ago
Cake day: Jun 07, 2024


Ye the explanation I presented is something I say to simple minded people as a way for me to tell them that the act of wanting privacy isn’t criminal, and that it is wayyy creepier when some stranger is trying to actively breach said privacy.

I want to belive that this entire breach of privacy thing will form a sort of bubble that’ll burst and people will wake up and realize that “hey this is kinda creepy”, but this does seem to trend towards a dystopian cyberpunk future

I usually shut those “I have nothing to hide” arguments by asking the person what’s more creepy: you closing your curtains trying to get privacy, or your neighbor trying to peek in, asking you “why do you need curtains? You’ve got nothing to hide right?”

That usually gets the point across…