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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 04, 2023


It’s also not like as if I care. In case of total collapse and me being hungry, I’ll just take the food regardless. Cash is pointless as we’ve already moved digital, even in a cash country like mine.

Asus would do good in hiring a real lawyer. Parents accept, kid uses router, data collected of child, illegal. So easy to rip them a new one.

Not when you’re new in an unknown city. In my local city the ratings still make sense, I compared it with my own experience, so why would that change drastically elsewhere? It’s often the only option you have, visiting every website individually is too time consuming and doesn’t tell you anything about the service either. I bet even you look at reviews. It’s easy to say their are faked but there is no non faked alternative.

Which GoogleMaps alternative has user reviews? I downloaded organic maps suggested here and there are no reviews. When I’m in a new town I need to know where I can and where I shouldn’t eat, shop or stay. At least there are some icons on organic maps, but that’s it.

Some options are a bit hidden and you got to tinker a bit to understand what keyboard layout you want, but it’s all there.

Now after a day of intense testing, I got to say the keyboard is great. It has everything I needed to switch away from gboard. Even background image function and translucent keys and dual language. I really hope this project is maintained forever, that’s how good it feels to use this keyboard.

I wonder where the second post came from. It was just suddenly there, without me copy pasting anything.

How do I enable the multi lingual typing? In the keyboard settings I added German and English. Now I can switch with the spacebar, but I require it to work automatically. It should detect if I’m writing in english or German and then automatically change word suggestions and change auto correct. solved

Also not switch qwertz with qwerty layout, as obviosly I know only qwertz keyboard. Also üäöß need to be hidden and replace uaos automatically by dictionary. AS it does in Gboard. I’ll report back if I find the option. solved

Edit: Okay looking good with the auto correct and suggestions now, I had to click on my keyboard language qwertz German and add English to the multilingual and not both separately. Testen wir dies nun mit Deutsch. Works.

Ignore the double post. It appeared out of nowhere. Strange.

Yeah, it would need to be a browser extension, adding a button to scramble every text input field. Or maybe even on the OS level, opening an input field above the browser one, so the original text was never input into the browser.