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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 11, 2023


It was definitely available in the US App Store earlier this year because I have it installed on both of my iOS devices. I can’t find any info as to when and why it was removed.

I agree completely with your review of Magic Earth. I will say that I keep some maps on my phone in Organic Maps as well. They are easier for me to follow when hiking on forest trails. When we went trailblazing on snowshoes, it made finding our way back to the main route simple.

Because my hands are filthy. I don’t want to get my phone all sticky/muddy/bloody or anything else you can imagine.

Mostly, the “laudable goals” language is to shut down the think of the children argument because everyone knows this isn’t really about that.

If they started off denigrating the bill without acknowledging the stated intent, you end up with the nonsense of my favorite radio commercial of the moment. I don’t even remember what it’s for but the following exchange cracks me up.

A: Think of the children.

B: The children aren’t what’s important right now.

A: Fine. Forget the children.

B: No. That’s worse.
