Sploosh the Water

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 09, 2023


Yeah, that’s why I mentioned switching over to X11. Wayland is so close, but just a little too buggy still for me. I am planning on switching to Wayland 100% at the end of this year.

By then it should be where I’m comfortable with.

Glad you found what you were looking for!

Pop_OS is good, I’ve been using it for a bit on my laptop. On my main gaming computer, I have been using Nobara for over a year and it’s been great. Very stable, only a few small bugs. Games run great on it and it’s optimized for gaming specifically. It’s part of the Fedora family and developed by the same person who created the Glorius Eggroll version of Proton for Linux.

If you want to stick with something more fully mainstream, then Fedora Vanilla is fantastic also. Just know that the default Wayland desktop will be a little buggy depending on the game/app. I still use X11 personally and will stick with it for another year or so while Wayland gets a bit more ironed out.

Overall, you won’t go wrong with Pop_OS or Fedora for mainstream Distros. If you want a little more freedom and customization, go with Fedora and their Plasma desktop version. If you want something a little more power-user but still very friendly and slightly more optimized for pure gaming, Nobara with the Plasma desktop.

If you want total no muss/fuss vanilla, plug n’ play, go with Pop_OS.

Links for you:

Fedora KDE Plasma - https://spins.fedoraproject.org/kde/ Nobara All versions - https://nobaraproject.org/download-nobara/ Pop_OS - You already know it lol.

Good luck and welcome back to the full Linux experience!

Yeah, I prefer native if possible, but I understand that it’s not likely to gain much ground outside of the indie/FOSS community. Proton is a lifesaver, made switching over to Linux fully orders of magnitude less painful.