• 5 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 29, 2023


This article presents a mix of examples, some in which Big Tech just abuses the customer's lack of knowledge, but in other cases Big Tech acts illegally. It's a real eye opener to learn how your medical data is being sold: https://simplifiedprivacy.com/big-tech-abuses-medical-privacy/

What are you complaining about? that the website exists?

We have articles as well, SimplifiedPrivacy.com And it’s self-hosted. There is no video ad monetization.

We sell self-hosted XMPP services and Session usernames. We did not make Session. What’s cringe is your lack of research or knowledge

Many in the crypto and privacy community mistakenly trust Telegram because it's "end to end encrypted", but there are huge issues including not hiding the metadata, censorship, centralization, and phone numbers. Send this video to your friend that asks why you won't join: https://video.simplifiedprivacy.com/why-telegram-sucks/

Please try again, let me know if the same result. It’s been fixed

alright I appreciate your replies. Thanks for clarifying. Can you do me a favor and check out the Monero XMR video and tell me if the voice over is also annoying? https://video.simplifiedprivacy.com/how-xmr-works/

By annoying voice, do you really just mean you’re on the political left and want to throw insults?

(Animated Video) How GrapheneOS can resist Buffer Overflow attacks
In this animated video, we discuss how Buffer Overflow attacks work and how GrapheneOS is better positioned to deal with them and overall privacy: https://video.simplifiedprivacy.com/why-grapheneos-is-more-secure/

Why use Session Messenger? (Video)
Session messenger routes your messages through a mixnet powered by cryptocurrency. It’s unique naming system, allows for truly uncensored free speech. Learn more about this excellent technology to defy and resist oppressive surveillance: https://video.simplifiedprivacy.com/why-session-messenger-matters/

Why would you want to go to Youtube & Google to learn about Tor? Our beautifully animated video is on our own platform and will teach you the basic concepts behind Tor and what to avoid: https://video.simplifiedprivacy.com/how-tor-works/