Restarting after the .ml domains disappeared.

Detections, tacos, bots, malware, gardening, fermentation. I’m an Internet denizen.

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 20, 2023


I for one want to offer a heartfelt apology. As someone that works in this space, bots are becoming more and more sophisticated. I can’t speak for Cloudflare, but we’re definitely not interested in your personal information. As someone who also prefers their privacy on the web, the fact that bot signatures overlap with privacy-centric signatures sucks. I myself have experienced it on my mobile device with Ghostery. It’s frustrating, I know.

Would you mind sharing the guide you used for hardening your Firefox? I’m curious to see what could potentially be triggering the issue.

Also, I just want to say, I think it’s hilarious that a site blocked you but then allows you to continue browsing after changing your user agent. That right there is bot behavior.

To circle back around to the actual block, I bet changing your skin executes JavaScript which flags something from the anti-bot software.