Checking out the Lemmy side of the sea—

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 02, 2023


Yeah, that’s a pretty huge con honestly.

My sheer frustration with all this tiny to grievous papercuts with Tailscale years on got the best of me— Even the Android Magic DNS bug only got fixed last month. But hey, I’m still using it, instead of ZeroTier so that’s something :D

ZeroTier pros:

  • Exit nodes don’t break if I lose wifi for a moment
  • Works with custom DNS setups out of the box
  • Allow-LAN actually works on Android, rather, is the default
  • No member limits for free
  • No need to disown devices and putting them into tags to be able to set SSH ACLs
  • Works out of the box with other overlay networks and VPNs

ZeroTier cons:

  • No freemium tunneling feature
  • No convenient browser-based SSH that only admins can use for some reason
  • Not nearly as sexy

Candles are punching above their weight these days, it seems