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Joined 9M ago
Cake day: Sep 20, 2023


Never said they didn’t, but Firefox does as well and the duality of criteria is astonishing.

Urr durr Brave bad Firefox perfect and always good.


its far better to use a browser which was made from ground up to support user privacy and features rather then patching a browser which was made to compromises their user privacy

Unfortunately we don’t have that yet, since Librewolf is a fork of Firefox as well.

Also, if I had to guess by the number of forks, Gecko is way harder to fork than Chromium.

Yes… But they can modify it like they did when they suppressed Manifest V3 and like they will for the new web drm.

What if I told you… this isn’t a Google product?

Idk, I use gnome with pop shell tiling and Firefox is the only program that does it.

I’m also tired of Firefox’s bullshit pushing sponsored websites and Pocket and (before) injecting an extension to everyone to sponsor Mr. Robot.

But I don’t see you complaining about that.

I don’t see why making money needs to be at all a part of using a piece of software.

It doesn’t…?

When you install Brave the crypto is opt-in, and to hide it permanently is literally 2 clicks.

I want to like Firefox, both as normal user and as web developer, but something about it keeps bugging me. The UI feels sluggish, sites seem to be slightly less performant, and I can’t seem to get used to it.

I feel the exact same. I use linux with a tiling window manager and when I change format, Firefox just starts twitching like it’s trying to give me an epileptic seizure while chromium browsers do it just fine.

Also, sometime ago I tried to compare Chrome (when I still used it) and Firefox side by side with the same extensions opening the same websites and Firefox always took a bit more ram.

I believe Brave is the most private chromium browser, at least with the installation defaults.

As for the controversies with the company, there were some at the beginning stages, but I haven’t heard anything new in quite a while.

Regarding the crypto, vpn, etc bloat, I use Brave on all my devices and all I have to do is hide that stuff after the installation and I’ve never been bothered by pop-ups or similar annoyances. I don’t think it’s more annoying to remove than having to remove the recommended sites and Pocket with Firefox.

Since you want private browsing, I would also say that a big plus for Brave is that it has built-in Tor browser.