A Greek FOSS Game Developer that aims to change the world! :)

  • 5 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 11, 2023


Lina replaied to me on Mastodon and said it’s not usable yet, so I’m gonna have to wait to properly test gaming on an M1.

State of Vulkan on Asahi Linux?
Just ordered an M1 Mini Mac and was wondering. Does Vulkan work on it? Thinking of testing some games on it. :)

It’s been awesome! The only thing I need to do is transfer my Metahumans using a Windows machine. Beyond that everything has been phenomenal. Everything is supported and runs 2x smoother than Windows. Totally recommended checking it out! :)

Reverse Module - A game made on Linux and for Linux!
Hello everyone! :) I started remaking my game in Unreal Engine and it's gonna be fully made on Linux and obviously be available for it! The GDD is open-source though and you can check it out on [Codeberg](https://codeberg.org/StavrosAeneasKokkineas)! Feel free to contribute or fork the project of course! :) Here are the first two videos showing the general map and the Police Academy where the game begins. If you also want to wishlist the game it's gonna be free on [Steam](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1712320/Reverse_Module/)! :) [Map](https://youtu.be/fmC7t-A6RxI) [Police Academy](https://youtu.be/NAgDZ2eSJfI)