Keyoxide: (think PGP key but modern and easier to use)

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jun 18, 2023


Default linux works too ofc, I didn’t know they took that route.
Most other browsers have very specific useragents, so the main pool of same useragents will be hardened browsers anyway.

Thank you for checking

edit: would indicate it should be Windows, Ill check later.
Try it with high security settings in tor, it might be something like canvas. Did you enable any permissions for the website?

That would be a fail of the fingerprinting protection. A properly set up TOR browser for example should not allow that detection by any means. If you know how to detect it, please report it as a critical vulnerability.

I could think of maybe some edge case behavior in webrenderer or js cavas etc., which would mainly expose info on the specific browser and underlying hardware, but that is all of course blocked of or fixed in hardened browsers.

Further, if you have a reliable method, you could sell it off to for example Netflix, who are trying to block higher resolutions for Linux browsers but are currently foiled by changing the useragent (if you have widevine set up).

That can’t have been the reason, rather the fact it could tell.
Your browser sends information about its version and the os in the useragent string. It is supposed to lie and say it is a very commonly used useragent, specifically for purposes of fingerprinting. That would be windows, default configuration, firefox version something not you firefox version

ssds are a really cheap upgrade, and have been for a while. My systems of similsr age have had ssd upgrades for about 5 years now. It’ll likely be limited to sata speeds though.

The missing number is drive speed, because 4GB ram are not nearly enough, swapping is necessary. But with fast moder drives (were pcie ssds a thing back then?) expect half a day

On lineageOS 20 it records the exact android build string as the Software for me, so “Android lineage_pdx215-userdebug 13 TQ3A.230901.001 b30079afa2”. Which is probably enough to uniquely identify me, and you if you have a less common phone or are on an older or uncommon version.

Needless to say I am pissed.

Yes, the deletion would have to be federated, there is no way to guarantee anything at that point. But as I understand OP this is about acting quickly, on an upload that isn’t even part of a post yet.

If I doxx myself on any service, someone can take a screenshot, it could be archived. But If I delete it before anyone sees it, there is a good chance it will never get out, if the primary platform properly removes it.

It outright prevents any legislation mandating backdoors, on a level harder to change than even a constitution.

Which of the two?
DroidRec works for me. I have quality on normal, codec on default, and record stereo. Selecting just mic or device audio and mic records to an m4a file.

E: smt simple voice recorder v5.12.3 works fine on default settings too for me

Simplest path is probably to use the old simple mobile tools recorder app on fdroid, which won’t be getting any updates. Fossify will likely release their recorder app very shortly, which will essentially be the next update for the smt recorder app.
It is already under active development, they just haven’t gotten the first release yet.

Another interesting one is DroidRec. It is usually used and seen as a screen recorder, but it has three simple toggles for screen video, device audio, and microphone. If you turn off screen and device audio, it becomes a very nice voice recorder.

It’s a necessary feature if you are using phone numbers. Signal has to tell you if your message has any chance of being received.

I don’t want to message someones number, to find out they never got my message and don’t have signal a few days later, and I don’t want to message them via whatsapp too, giving them a chance to use that when they have signal.

You can check that in the phone app too. Hit new message, enter the numer, hit "New message to… " and it’ll tell you if it isn’t known. There is rate limiting in that function, you’d need a lot of signal accounts to sweep all phone numbers.
You could also try signing up to signal using the number you want to check.

Neither way however you would get the signal name or profile pic of the number if I understand it correctly, that would get sent if they reply to you.

Can you install a detailled permission control app like Permission Manager X and disable whatsapps permission to see the list of installed apps?
If it thinks instagram isn’t installed, it ought to fall back on using the regular url system if its ignoring that purposefully here, right?

I think no autocorrections (for now). I never used them so idk.

Swipe is different to gboard, but imo better. gboard tried some things with snapping to certain parts, but I always found it unintuitive, it mostly got in my way. Florisboards swipes are more “plain” as in that I find them very predictable.

You can add a permanent number line. It also won’t vanish on random inputs like gboards does. Clipboard has arbitrary history size, and is also available everywhere (It annoyed me to no end to not have it for password fields in gboard).

Dictation is quick, it will switch the keyboard, but not the screen. To continue typing you need to press one button to return the keys.

With the symbols and layouts you have far more choices. I could have 1-1 recreated my gboard, but I found an even better layout (still need to readjust to it tho).

Used gboard for the longest time and juat recently managed to move on to florisboard. It lacks some features but has enough other niceities on its own that are just enough to justify the move based on functionality

You can use my setup as a starting point if you want, it is a proper oled theme with no colors or bright surfaces, behavior very gboard-like. I use sayboard for stt (dictating).