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Joined 10M ago
Cake day: Sep 08, 2023


If you mention Graph<nospam>eneOS, you summon him. Check his history

It was actually a mistake. They were removed years ago specifically for the fdroid builds, but were reintroduced at some point on accident. Annoying mistake for sure

Do you have their self-hosted fdroid repository installed?

Bitwarden F-Droid Build v2024.3.2 Removes Trackers
Exciting news! Trackers being built into the Bitwarden F-Droid app for who knows how long have been removed https://github.com/bitwarden/mobile/commit/f343a2cdbb5895fb518ed963b30c0d9822db2c74 Previously two trackers were introduced: Google Firebase and Microsoft AppCrashes

Not OP, but I’m guessing PDFs add more metadata that is harder to remove. Just a guess

Could be. It was a while ago, but I think I even tried a recent version of ungoogled chromium without success. All mobile apps btw

I tried this a million different which ways a few months ago. Couldn’t get Duolingo to accept it. Gave up and haven’t been back since

Also important, the same tracker exists in the official F-Droid client app. Could it really be that big if a concern if it exists there too?

Agreed, that would be nice. At least they have a dedicated APK download site. https://protonapps.com/protonmail-android No self-updating though